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Affiliate Marketing

​Affiliate marketing provides all the opportunity to make money promoting or selling anothers product(s) on the internet. It is a means by which one markets these Products on the internet and sends interested people to a website created for the product and the action desired, whether it be a purchase of the product, signing up for a program or just the procurement of an email address.​

1.  Keywords


Google adwords - Keyword Searches

This tool searches the Internet to give you the demographics of the information and products you are presenting. It provides for alternative words and phrases that have been searched throughout the internet and the number of times the information has been searched.


​Google Index - Copy the URL of your Website, paste it to this Link. Your site will be processed for inclusion in the The Google Directory.

Google Analytics - This tool will allow you to track Google Search Engine visitors to your site under assorted metricizes.

Google Webmaster Tools - More tools to help monitor your website.


1. Download this HTML verification file. [google6c0f8315d9671d7a.html]

2. Upload the file to
3. Confirm successful upload by visiting in your browser.
4. Click Verify below.
To stay verified, don't remove the HTML file, even after verification succeeds.

2.  Directory Submissions

Back Links are where you score big points in search engine placement.  Back Links are links that are placed in another website that link to your website. This is felt to substantiate credibility.  The linking website should be compatible with the product  or information on your website.  Registering with a search engine to index your site in a directory provides you a start to you Back Link count and ensures that your website is easily found online.  

These are words or phrases under which one would search to obtain information on or about a product or information  you are looking to present in your website.


Googleâ„¢, Google Placesâ„¢, Google Mobileâ„¢, Bingâ„¢, Yahoo!®, Twitter®, Facebook®, CitySearch®, Foursquareâ„¢, YP.comSM, GPS navigation, MerchantCircle®

To do so, we recommend you go to each search engine and internet directories web page, locate the instructions and then complete a monthly refresh of your listing. If you would like us to complete this process for you please call us at 289-634-5052

Search Engine/Directory Main URL How to Submit


AlltheWeb                  Died with Yahoo

AltaVista                     Died with Yahoo
Best of the Web Paid submittal at
Gigablast                  Submit at
JoeAnt                  39.00 Fee 
Open Directory Go to appropriate category page and click Suggest URL.
Starting Point   Paid submittal at
Wikia Search            Click the Add button on any relevant search results page.


Bing - Paste your URL to the Bing page for Yahoo and MSN search engines as well.  This site also provides Bing Webmaster Center.


With the completion of algorithmic transition to Bing, Yahoo! Search has merged Site Explorer into Bing Webmaster Tools. Webmasters should now be using the Bing Webmaster Tools to ensure that their websites continue to get high quality organic search traffic from Bing and Yahoo!

Once organic results are transitioned to Bing in all the markets, we plan to shut down Yahoo! Site Explorer and Microsoft’s Webmaster Tools will be the source for Bing and Yahoo! webmaster site and analytics data. 

The Bing Webmaster Center team has been actively adding new features over the past few months, including detailed traffic statistics and a new inbound links feature.

Verify a Webnode Starter FREE Website with Bing.


What you're going to need to do is download your template and enter in the "<meta name="msvalidate.01" content="81B248DF5DF55970331A2EEB6D024AF6" />" code into the header section of your HTML template. We do have a guide on how to download your template that you can go through by following this link:

Whenever you download and make changes to your template, there is a common mistake that I want to give you a heads up about. When you unzip to the c:/temp folder for example, you must not move around the files and folders or zip the C:/temp folder itself. Only zip the contents of the C:/temp folder and not the C:/temp folder itself or this will generate an error.


External Incoming Link Flow


External Incoming Link Flow is Link Flow which is received from other Webpages outside of this Webpage's Website.

Average Link Flow of External Webpages Linking to this Webpage

Link Flow is the life blood of SEO. External Incoming Links from Webpages with a high average Net Total Link Flow will play a significant role in your Website's authority and ability to rank high in organic Search Engine Result Pages (SERPS).


Gross Total Link Flow

Gross Total Link Flow takes into consideration External and Internal Incoming Link Flow, and represents the snapshot of actual Link Flow that a Webpage receives. Think of Total Link Flow as snapshot in time of Link Flow flowing through a particular point (in this case, a Webpage). A Webpage's Total Link Flow is the External Incoming Link Flow arriving to that Webpage, plus all of the other Webpage's External Incoming Link Flow that made it to this Webpage as a result of the Link Flow® Distribution (the Internal Incoming Link Flow).


Net Total Link Flow

Net Total Link Flow is what the Search Engine sees after taking all on-page and off-page penalties into account. The SEO Engine Score shows the process in which a Webpage's Gross Total Link Flow is reduced to its Net Total Link Flow

Average Link Flow of External Webpages Linked from this Webpage

One of the most significant indications of your Webpage's authority is the resources it provides to its users via Links. Search Engines prefer a Website that links to other related authoritative Websites with high Link Flow.


An Example of Link Flow Analysis

Let's say, for example, that a particular Website has 4 Webpages, all linked together in some fashion. Webpage #1 has an Link Flow Distribution of 2%, while Webpages #2,#3,#4 have an Link Flow Distribution of 0.5%. Now let's say Webpage #4 has a lot of External Incoming Link Flow. That Link Flow would first and foremost benefit Webpage #4.

But Link Flow is not stagnant. It continues to "flow" to other Webpages according to the linking structure of that Webpage (and other Webpages in that Website). Therefore, the External Incoming Link Flow that Webpage #4 has now "flows" to Webpage #1, #2, and #3.


What is the distribution of this "flow"? The Link Flow Distribution tells us that Webpage #1 gets 4 times the Link Flow that is received by Webpage #2 and #3 (2 / .5=4). Therefore, you would expect to see a more significant Total Link Flow for Webpage #1 than you would see for Webpages #2 and #3, even though Webpages #1, #2, and #3 have absolutely NO External Incoming Link Flow. This is because the corresponding Internal Incoming Link Flow has caused the External Incoming Link Flow that came into the Website via Webpage #4 to "pool" into Webpage #1.


Net Link Flow Shareâ„¢

Net Link Flow Share is the amount of Link Flow that is passed from one Webpage to another through a particular Link. In its simpliest form, the Gross Link Flow Shareâ„¢ amount is the Link Flow of that Webpage divided by the number of "Followable" Links on that Webpage.  SEO Engine, like other Search Engines, actually takes into account many other factors, which are all shown on the Link Scorecards within SEO Engine, and which result in a Net Link Flow Share.

Additional Information:


Increase your Link Flow

Once you have contained your Link Loss™, then focus your Internal linking structure to the important portions of your Website.

In an effort to prevent "Paid Link" penalties on External Outgoing Links, you can place the tag:

rel="nofollow".  Information about our <a href=""  rel="nofollow"> products</a> can be found on our Website.  

a "nofollow" Link is always considered a "Dangling Link".

Place a link on the Dangling Webpage to route the Incoming Link Flow® back towards your important Webpages.

If you want to exclude additional files (pages), simply add more Disallow lines.


User-Agent: Googlebot
Disallow: /private_pages/myprivatepage.htm
Disallow: /private_pages/myprivatepage_2.htm


 Additional Directories to Submit to (copy and paste the link)               



Open Directory Go to appropriate category page and click Suggest URL.
Starting Point   Paid submittal at
Wikia Search            Click the Add button on any relevant search results page.


Some of the more popular site submittal services include these:


1 2 3 Submit Pro (
AddMe! ( (
SubmitExpress (
Beware those services that charge a high fee for search engine submission—they don’t do anything that you can’t do yourself, for free.

Increasing your search optimization is key to driving traffic to you blog or website​

Hey, look at you!
You're here. We love that. Welcome to Squidoo.       

What's Squidoo? Other than a magical undersea animal with wings (not really) it's also a tool + community for building supercool pages about the topics you know and love. The better your pages do, the more money you earn from them. Yeah, that's right, money. For free. Who says pigs can't fly.

So, are you ready to start building a Squidoo page?

What's coming: AuthorRank surely gets more and more important.  The idea behind it is that your reputation as a content creator will influence the ranking of search results.

So what can you do to ensure your AuthorRank is growing besides sharing your articles on Google+ and inserting author tags into Web pages? Right, you can monitor ranking progress specifically for the content you've put lots of resources into.

Get prepared  Get prepared: In Rank Tracker you can tag some of the fields as "AuthorRank" and see whether these pages have moved up or down in SERPs for certain keywords. Each time you run a check, Rank Tracker will conveniently show you the ranking difference—the best proof of your AuthorRank progress.  Free: No Pro: Yes

Traffic Value

Using sites like SEMRush (, it is possible to see how much your traffic would cost if acquired through paid means. This information is helpful for two important reasons.

The first is that it helps you to see how much you may charge for advertising space, and even to sell a website should an interested buyer come along.

The other has to do with determining whether your advertising strategy is planned correctly. Are you bidding too high for certain terms? If so, you may choose to lower your bids or to abandon paid advertising altogether and opt for organic and referral based traffic methods.

​Create Your Own YouTube Channel


When your video is complete and ready for the world to see go to YouTube and create your own public YouTube Channel. I would make sure this channel is focused entirely around one niche so if you have a few different affiliate sites in a few different niches you should create an individual channel or even an entirely different YouTube account for each niche.



​Once the channel is ready, upload your videos and ensure that you include your money keyword...

At the beginning of the title
At the beginning of the description
In the tags
Also make sure that you include a link to your website somewhere in the first three lines of the description. If you do not include the link in the first three lines the visitors may have to click the "More" button when viewing the video to reveal the URL.



What is the easiest ways to drive up your views? Simple... if your website is already getting traffic then embed the video on your site.

If it's a product review video then include the video as part of the review. Each time someone views the video on your website it will count as a 'View'.

And finally, the Holy Grail, when you have enough views and your video is ranking at the top of the charts in YouTube it will then begin appearing in the Google SERP giving it another big boost.

In summary, YouTube can be pretty powerful for affiliate marketers but this means creating real videos with real people and real content. Throwing up crappy videos that are cheap slide shows with bad music is to video marketing what poorly spun, scraped articles are to SEO.

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